I am creating a l;etter generator for a redress calculation in word rather than excel. The below piece of code is part of the breakdown table and I want the (1) in the "Selection.TypeText Text:="Interest(1) on (A) to date" to be in subscript (as it refers to legal wording at the bottom of the document) but the formatting keeps it Arial 11 and I cannot work out how to change it.
Not sure it's the right forum but it's the only place I am joined up so thought I would throw it out there. I have tried find and replace but it didn't quite work
Any assistance would be appreciated
' ########## Additional - Additional Interest (Tab 2) ##########
Dim Additional As Currency
If amountAdjust.Text <> "" Then
RowCount = RowCount + 1
CharCount = CharCount + 1
AdditionalABC = "+" & Chr(CharCount)
Additional = amountAdjust.Text
Selection.TypeText Chr(CharCount)
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell, Count:=1
Selection.TypeText Text:="Interest(1) on (A) to date"
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell, Count:=1
Selection.TypeText Format(Additional, "Currency")
Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCell, Count:=1
End If