Macropod, as per forum rules, we need to present simple ideas right here in the thread rather than links to other threads where the answer is buried somewhere. Links to other places, when used, need to be to the exact location of the exact answer for the question being posed. And the simple answer should still be posted here in the original thread 99% of the time, even with an external link for additional reading.
Thanks for clarifying, I would never have figured that out! So the short answer is: "There's no way to read the value from the current selection, only from the original DropDownListEntries. As such, you must loop through them all until you find the one currently selected."
This worked for me:
Sub SelectedValues()
Dim cc As ContentControl, i As Long
For Each cc In Me.ContentControls
For i = 1 To cc.DropdownListEntries.Count
If cc.DropdownListEntries(i).Text = cc.Range.Text Then
Debug.Print cc.DropdownListEntries(i).Value
End If
Next i
Next cc
End Sub