Hi all,
I have a word document in which there is a header.
The header contents are
The script which I am using to get the entire content isProcedure No. PPRSON-875
Prepared By: DAEDF TRTFDS Dasegfhfg
Page 2 of 3 Revision Date: 20150612
My requirement is this![]()
Sub SearchHeader() Dim rng As Range Dim intSecCount, intSection As Integer Dim intHFType As Integer intSecCount = ActiveDocument.Sections.Count For intSection = 1 To intSecCount With ActiveDocument.Sections(intSection) For intHFType = 1 To 3 Set rng = ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Headers(intHFType).Range rng.Find.Execute findtext:="Procedure No.", Forward:=True If rng.Find.Found = True Then Debug.Print "Match" End If Next intHFType End With Next intSection End Sub
I just want the "PPRSON-875" which is after the Procedure No : from the header text.
I have done some coding in excel but for word I am pretty new.
Can any of guys help me on this.?
Thanks to the author of the code.