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Hide a section based on the click of a box in the beginning of the section

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    Hide a section based on the click of a box in the beginning of the section

    I have a document that has "Is Not Applicable" boxes in the beginning of many of the sections in it. If the user clicks the boxes an "X" will be placed within them. They in addition want to hide everything within that section if the author clicks the "Is Not Applicable".

    I tried to record a macro to identify the buttons, so I can create conditional code for when they are on/off but I cannot click the buttons when I am in record mode, and cannot seem to identify them either. I would assume a conditional statement of if button is clicked then perform hide action would be the way to go, but I cannot figure it out.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated - I am new to Word Programming but have done a lot of excel VBA macros.

    I have attached a word document that hopefully demonstrates what I am talking about.

    Thank you!
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