Hi, Im new to word macro and would like help on this.
Attached is the word document that needs macro codes. It is a template for printing on 13mm round stickers. What i hope to have is a user form that will help user enter data into specific cells in the table and print onto the sticker. The information to be printed will be like this:
001 - 20uL
each cell will have slightly different information, so copy and pasting is not going to cut it.
One user will not be able to use up the whole sheet of labels on his own, so the next user will carry on from where he left off. The user form must be able to let the user decide where the information goes, if not it will b a disaster if they printed on the space where the sticker has already been removed.
Hope somebody can help me with this
Oh and another thing, is it possible to have the info on the first row to duplicate itself on the second row, third row info duplicate itself on fourth row etc etc?