I will try to explain what I am trying to accomplish. We have a network in our section and all using Word 2007.
We are set up that a main Admin (Me) will create templates in Word that will need to have macros that will search in a specific folder and open another word document so that it could copy and paste the entire document, including header/footer, and paste this information in the current blank word document.
I have a Userform with three selections that, base on the selection will call different document template. I have set up also my machine to have the macro in my Quick Access Toolbar.
I need that everytime a user opens his her word 2007, on his her station, be able to have this Quick Access Toolbar and that on selection my Userform and codes will do the rest.
I have read on Add-in’s but do not know where to start... Is there a way I could distribute this macro to all of my users? Or is this a security issue?
Next Part is copying all of the text, including header/footer, of a document and pasting this info in the blank document. So example the user will open Word 2007 (Blank document) select my macro in the Quick Access Toolbar, then on selection of this button it will open a userform that will have a combobox with three selection, then on click of a selection, it will get the information from where I will set up the path, paste the information in the blank document and close the other Worddoc.
What would be the best approach in vba to do this?