Hello anyone!

I have a paragraph of text in Microsoft word. I want to break the paragraph into lines either after every 5th word in the string, or after commas/periods, whichever comes first.

For example:

The dog is sitting on the floor. It is thirsty, and it pants for water. The dog's owner pours the dog a fresh bowl of water. etc.

turns into ->

The dog is sitting on (note: 5 words)
the floor. (note: period comes first)
It is thirsty, (note: comma comes first)
and it pants for water. (note: 5 words)
The dog's owner pours the (note: 5 words)
dog a fresh bowl of (note: 5 words)
water. (note: period comes first)

Thank you!!!
P.S. The notes in parentheses are just notes, not what should be output by the VBA code.