My I have a data base (sample file attached) that I need to convert highlighted data into mail merge quickly, with out reformatting the excel file. My mail merge needs to contain name, selling price, 2% discount, and then a table of account name, description, and selling price. (The last part is difficult for me because some records are variable in the number of rows they contain. I also am having issues getting the pricing data to format like $1.99.
Thank you so much for your help!
test mail merge letter.xlsx
Name GBO Loc Code Account Name Description Status Status Date Selling Price 2% Payout
Jon Miller Test GBO 123 Test Bldg 1 add traveller for Life Safety speakers Booked 10/3/2014 $26,229.00 $500.00
Jon Miller Test GBO 123 Test Bldg 2 Obsolete governor replacement Booked 10/30/2014 $25,569.20 $500.00
Jon Miller Test GBO 123 Test Bldg 3 Obsolescence - Drives Booked 12/12/2014 $19,595.00 $391.90
Jon Miller Test GBO 123 $71,393.20 $1,391.90
Frank Smith Test GBO 123 Test A run new wires Booked 10/16/2014 $39,893.84 $500.00
Frank Smith Test GBO 123 Test B T&M hoistway access Booked 10/21/2014 $158.10 $3.16
Frank Smith Test GBO 123 Test C Opti Guard Booked 10/23/2014 $3,685.69 $73.71
Frank Smith Test GBO 123 Test D Single Bottom Cylinder Booked 12/4/2014 $82,720.00 $500.00
Frank Smith Test GBO 123 $126,457.63 $1,076.88
Joe Test Test GBO 123 Test I Install handrail with vulcanizing Booked 10/13/2014 $5,437.27 $108.75