Is there a way to Link an Excel Workbook to a Word document and make it easily updatable if the referenced link is moved or renamed?

Basically, I have a single Excel workbook with various tabs that calculate and create tables. A lot of the numbers that are entered and calculated appear in a variety of locations throughout the report. It is a tedious task to find and change all of the values through the report and not make any mistakes. Its a report that I will use over and over again for various projects.

I found that I can paste everything that I want as links, but if the Excel file gets moved or renamed the links will die. So on the next project I need to start all over. Also, the file is really slow I guess because its updating the 30 links. The excel document is the same for each project just with different values.

Is there a way to link the entire excel file and using a name manager like in an excel to excel link?

Any help would be appreciated!