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Finding the frequency of a string in other string(s)

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    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Finding the frequency of a string in other string(s)

    Received from an email:
    Quote Originally Posted by vkcham van
    I'm looking for a formula that will count specific word in a cell.

    I want to know how many WWLL are in this cell, which is 4.

    Thank you - sam
    I wrote this custom function to provide the answer. It is used like so:

    (B1 holds the text string WWLL)

    The first parameter is a cell or range of cells. The second parameter is the string to search for as a single cell reference or text string.

    Function COUNTSTRING(RNG As Range, MyStr As String) As Long
    'JBeaucaire  (12/8/2009)
    'Count the frequency of a string in other strings
    Dim cell As Range, MyCnt As Long, i As Long
    If MyStr = "" Then GoTo ErrorExit
        For Each cell In RNG
            For i = 1 To (Len(cell) - Len(MyStr) + 1)
                If Mid(cell, i, Len(MyStr)) = MyStr Then MyCnt = MyCnt + 1
            Next i
        Next cell
    Exit Function
        COUNTSTRING = 0
    End Function
    How to install the User Defined Function:

    1. Open up your workbook
    2. Get into VB Editor (Press Alt+F11)
    3. Insert a new module (Insert > Module)
    4. Copy and Paste in your code (given above)
    5. Get out of VBA (Press Alt+Q)
    6. Save your sheet

    The function is installed and ready to use in cell as shown above.
    Last edited by JBeaucaire; 12-08-2009 at 09:09 PM. Reason: Fixed the "For i =" line of code
    Microsoft MVP 2010 - Excel
    Visit: Jerry Beaucaire's Excel Files & Macros

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