I followed same method as tmarsh and although it returns shoes, it only ever returns shoes! Even with no criteria the formula results in shoes. What have I missed?
I followed same method as tmarsh and although it returns shoes, it only ever returns shoes! Even with no criteria the formula results in shoes. What have I missed?
The last part is missing an = sign because it should be less than or equal to i.e., (C2:C7 <= D3)))}
If you change the criteria it should now work
I tried this formula {=INDEX(A2:A7,MATCH(1,(B2:B7=D2)*(C2:C7<D3)))}
but its not working may be I am missing some things please reply me regarding this error at my following. Thanks
For this to work properly, the Match_type of the MATCH function must be specified as "0". If omitted, it is assumed as "1" - finds the largest value less than or equal to the lookup value, and requires that the array values be in ascending order. The formula should be:
In the above formula u r using multiplication (*) symbol. When u use division (/) symbol also it returns u the same value. What is the difference?
Range A2:C7 contains a list of items and their corresponding colors and prices.
How could we find the name of the first Blue item which costs less than $200?
Enter the following array formula, using the INDEX and MATCH functions:
I tried setting up the example in a blank worksheet and it was not able to come back with "Shoes". Is there some formatting issues here, or is there a version problem, something missing from the formula?
it worked for me!
i copied the table from the web page table, pasted into A1, converted all "_" to spaces, deleted all excess spaces (using ASAP utilities), then used 'text to columns...' to convert the text to multiple columns (using the space character as the delimiter).
the forumla as shown does not work; you have to remove the curly brackets at either end, then press <CTRL>+<SHIFT>+<ENTER> together (which makes it an array formula and puts the curly brackets back in)![]()
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