Hi all
I've been unable to find a solution using a scroll bar where you can scroll between two random variable numbers.
So, I've created one which has taken some thought with a bit of trial and error. It's a simple sheet, but everything is available on the sheet
You'll need to understand how Name Manager works as this is how the drop down system work. This is tagged as B. It uses the filter system to filter. It's simple enough to copy and paste into most projects as it only picks up information from three areas
The scrollbar value is 200 which is why there is also 200 within the formula to, so don't alter these as this is part of the percentage +100 0 -100 solution
There is no VBA coding either as I didn't want to use it as its part of a much larger project I'm working playing with
Please find the code attached
I hope it helps someone in the future
Cheers, Bounce