Since the "Winner Board" here does not look like it's been updated in a while. I had an idea for as contest. I was thinking of a VBA contest to see who could create the shorter number of lines of code or most clever solution to solve a question.

No, I'm not a VBA guy and won't be competing but I have seen some amazing stuff done with VBA. I have done things with the macro recorder and then cleaned out a bunch of the wasted lines that ended out with a page or two of code and then I've seen a real pro do the same thing with only a few lines of code and was amazed at the results. I don't have specific question in mind but I'm sure many of the regulars here can come up with a problem that will challenge the users here.

I would think the participants could upload their solutions to the admins and they can be the judges of who the winner is. The last caveat would be, the winner has to explain how the code works in simple terms Thoughts?