ok so im told search is working,if so how do you you use it?
ok so im told search is working,if so how do you you use it?
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Martin Wilson: SPV
I did a similar search & got twenty pages of results. Unfortunately, instead of newest first it started in 2008 despite changing the order before searching
Hope that helps.
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martindwilson, I tried the same search and it worked well for me .. Infact i tried it 3 times and it worked well every time..
Even i got twenty pages of results and I also tried using the descending posts to show up the latest posts first and even that worked like a charm
screen shots : http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images...0101at324.png/ , http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images...0101at323.png/
ok ill try again
here are the results this time i expanded it to any date, loads of returns but only threads started by me . not replies i have given
Yes, I'm having same problem.. Just wanted to post some screenshots.
Also, I got results (for exact name), BEFORE I've joined to the forum.
After I put descending date order I didn't get desired result...
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I would also appeal, one more time, to add My Posts button that would list all my posts like I would search them...
(for every user itself, so everybody would have use of it:
A every day users that can check latest posts
A new users and users that don't came too often, to find their posts easier
Here are the screenshots of search (only date changed in Advanced search).
That IMHO would need to be from the newest to the oldest by default...
Actually, that would bring only results if someone mentioned you or quoted you... If you just replied to the posts, you won't see that results
zbor, click on your name & then "View Forum Posts"
Vai - ascending or descending makes no difference to the order for me
For example, I don't see today posts. Also, I can't see did they read or not. They are all bold.
Ascending and descending does make sence since it's more likely, when you searching posts by name, to look latest and not oldest posts. Of course, if you need oldest, you can always change order.
Okay Zbor, Let me discus this with the mods and if every one thinks there is a use of it we should be able to do it fairly quickly ..
Your results will be better if you tick the "search type" options with posts. Also some people might not want newest results so by default the search works by its own algo to show posts which it thinks are most relevent. Imagine if google starts showing only latest posted pages by default, will you still use google ?
Roy Its working for me, which browser are you using and which theme .. i ll test using your settings ..
We will set the cron to index new posts to something like 3-4 hour so that new posts which are just 3-4 hour old start showing up in the search .. I ll check for the read and unread posts further if you can tell me your browser theme ... normally Read and not read can be determined by the colour of the icon next to the post and also by the thread being shown as bold.
When I click my name and Find latest posts this is screenshot I get (Chrome, 16.0...)
(also note dates of the posts)
ALL mods must agreeYou could say at least 75%
I'm using Opera and Chrome
Using Chrome on XP.
I just searched for keyword "teylyn". Results attached. Why would I see a list of top level forums and then a bunch of visitor messages between people who are not me and don't mention me in the VM?
I notice that the advanced search has two tabs and seems to default to "Search Multiple Content Types". That tab has different search fields from the tab "Search Single Content Type". The latter looks like the old search interface, and there is an option to "Find latest post by user", or alternatively, "Find threads started by user". The "latest post" is still not correct, but I guess my latest post has not yet been indexed for the search.
In any case, I find it much faster to just go to my user CP, which for reasons incomprehensible is still hiding behind "Settings", and then click to show all subscribed threads.
One thing that search no longer does is to find posts with 0 replies. On the search interface that is now on the tab "Search Single Content Type" , one used to be able to enter "Find Threads with" > At most > 0 replies. I can still enter this search criterion, but the search result contains threads with more than 0 replies.
Needs work.
That is because in default search results all the content types are selected, for more accurate results try and use this kind of setting : http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images...0101at323.png/
To find the latest threads started by the user you can use the search settings here : http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images...0101at323.png/ and to see the posts by the user you can write the user name in the keyword instead of the user name ..
Yup i agree and this suggestion is up in the mods section for approval by the mods and once done we will put it in the navigation bar (go vote asap)
It does find posts with 0 replies, if you find threads with atmost 0 replies its showing posts with 0 replies "at the time of last indexing" the board. Now what is happening is that we are indexing the board once a day and hence there are posts in between the time the board was indexed and when some one searches the board. The best solution to this should be indexing the board every few hours or every hour. I will see to the amount of load each indexing puts on the server and adjust the frequency accordingly ...
I've tried with both skylight and default skin, search single, type selected=posts, username=Simon Lloyd, order= both descending and ascending, both results showed me results from 2005 onward rather than 2011, also this means that it's not finding posts i made in 2004!
Not all forums are the same - seek and you shall find
Was going to do some more research before answering on it, i do see posts from 2005 only .. and your date of joining is 03-02-2004
How many posts did you make in 2004 ... will try and look into the DB manually to find your posts, the only possibility which i see here is that the older posts of your have not been indexed ..
Going to do research into the search tomorrow to make it better !!
Search still doesn't work. My last (and only) today post according to the search is almost 12 hours old.
i can still only find threads started by me .NOT those i have responded to. Vai please demo to me how i am doing it wrong!
How are you searching? can you explain the steps..etc you take?
One of the quickest ways to find your POSTS is to go to any post you've made, click your name, view forum posts......you will then get a list of all your posts from last t first
Hope that helps Martin.
I used to perform a vanity search: donk* to identify threads / posts that I might want to read, however, this no longer works so I gave up trying to using the Search feature a while back.
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simon see pics in posts #1 and#4 and the show forum post method shows my last post as
Yesterday, 07:41 AM which isn't true i've done three or so since then
Last edited by martindwilson; 01-05-2012 at 03:37 AM.
The technical team has put up a notice on the top of this page stating that they are working on it and all the posts will not be available in the search.
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Yes, and that notice contains a cross, that will show after clicking:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/eforum/public_html/includes/class_core.php on line 2812
Search for threads with zero Posts appears to be working. Can anyone else also attest?
Works for me now, Pike. Of course, I think the old search method is being used right now until the new one is fixed.
I've been talking with Vai behind the scenes and right now he has disabled the added advanced search and any other added items to the standard vbulletin, the template edits remain but for now may have the posts or threads displaying a little oddly - unfortunately this is the only way left to go to try and sort the forum issues out, so whilst the functionality will mostly be back please give a little slack during the investigation of the abnormally high server load over the next day or two, although the forum should be a little more stable now![]()
actually it's nice to see those service updates at the top.at least we get some idea what's happening.
service updates?
Pike, i think that if you have dismissed them (clicking the red x) then they're gone until some criteria that they set like "Hasn't visited in x days" ...etc
Forum search still doesn't work.
Check My Posts. Looks like I've saw them all.
Now look New Posts. At the top is unread post.
If this doesn't working is there a way that My posts look like New posts, only filtered out by user's username?
Edit: and there is still mismatch with Replies (1) and Views (0)
Last edited by zbor; 01-08-2012 at 04:53 AM.
Not working for me either. When I search my name, nothing comes up. When I click on all posts by me, nothing comes up. The only way I can see a post of mine is the "Last Post" link, otherwise it's like I never existed on this forum...
I've never had luck regarding searching names on this forum. Also, I typed in a simple "Delete Rows" into the apparent search engine here and was not given any sort of list that had to do with deleting rows. Tis a curious function as far as I'm concerned.
If you're happy with someone's help, click that little star at the bottom left of their post to give them Reps.
---Keep on Coding in the Free World---
@ simon lloyd
all my post were displyed but just "FROM DECEMBER ONLY up to present"
i have only 68 posts WOW.
also looked to others... Just December only onwards..
I think people forget the word "THANK YOU!!!!" Do you still know it???
There is a little star ( ADD REPUTATION ) below those person who helped you. Click it to say your "PRIVATE APPRECIATION TO THEIR EFFORT ON THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS "
Forum search still doesn't work:
- My posts link (appreciate for implementing) isn't update, don't show readed posts and has significant delay
- When I click Advanced search and search by my name I got: Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.
The speed is a real pain
still can only find posts i started!
My posts finally working.
How I find post I've started?
under profile and Find latest started threads I got: Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.
under Advance Search there is no Search I've started.
If I search by my username still: Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.
Click on your name on the left and then choose "View forum posts", this is the link to your search http://www.excelforum.com/search.php...st&showposts=1
Google Me
Find me located here Simon Lloyd and what i'm about Here
The above is NOT a link to a forum so is NOT against Rule 13
Last edited by Simon Lloyd; 01-26-2012 at 09:36 PM.
The My Posts button usually works for me
It return all posts I've write in.. Not my posts that I can't find now...
No, Simon, that shows all posts, not the threads started by the user.
Zbor, at the very top, click "My Profile". In your profile page, look in the left hand panel and click "My latest started threads"
I agree overall, that all this business about finding your own posts/threads is less than satisfactory. It used to be intuitive. Now even moderators and long term members seem to need a user guide to to the most basic things.
Forum upgrade = functionality downgrade
Not good.
@teylyn: yes, I've write about it... It return: Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.
Sorry, zb, I have no explanation for that. I can see all the threads I started since before the dinosaurs.
Maybe it's because the "technical team" have happened to put them back into the correct place of the database.
Maybe it's because moderators see different things than non-moderators.
I really don't know.
Neither do I but I hope this will help to solve one more thing... And cause new crash![]()
zbor try this link for threads started by you http://www.excelforum.com/search.php...vBForum_Thread
Google Me
Find me located here Simon Lloyd and what i'm about Here
The above is NOT a link to a forum so is NOT against Rule 13
Last edited by Simon Lloyd; 01-26-2012 at 09:36 PM.
Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.
Hint: Maybe because I using Chrome
No, I had the same result using IE8
Not suitable for work (use headphones)
It is like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sdn3O6aaMNc
Last edited by teylyn; 01-22-2012 at 07:21 AM.
I use ie9
so, if I want to see all my posts the results are from now to 12-04-2011.
the ways it was used from:
my profile "find latest posts"
main meniu "my posts"
advanced search using my name
...and the rest of my posts?!
Regards, John55
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...enjoy -funny parrots-
The search is fixed as the notice says but the chronological order is all messed up, for arguments sake on my last page of the search results i had posts from 2008 at the top 2006 in the middle 2011 at the bottom, a whole mix of dates!
Last edited by Vaibhav; 02-01-2012 at 04:24 PM.
This is prt scr of My posts:
At the first look seems fine.. But when I click New Posts here are some Posts that don't appear in My posts
I checked this out zbor and it works fine. Can you check again?
Yea, sorry, my fault
I have created a new sub-forum for issues - http://www.excelforum.com/suggestions-for-improvement/
If any of the issues posted in this entire thread still persist, please feel free to post them to the new sub-forum as a new thread.
Please create 1 thread per issue. To standardize it, kindly use Issue if you are reporting an issue or Improvement for any suggestion for improvement.
Am closing this thread.
Appreciate your co-operation.
Last edited by Vaibhav; 02-09-2012 at 07:25 AM.
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