Has anyone heard of or, better yet, know anything about this report writing software?
Has anyone heard of or, better yet, know anything about this report writing software?
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No, but I assume you have trawled through their site.
Found something from a couple of years ago by someone called NBVC
Hope that helps.
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Does a post from 2008 constitute cross-posting :P
Oh. Oh, you guys caught me...
Yeah, that was me back then.. and I did go through the unify site too... but I don't get much luck... I think that guy, guptasteve is the only one that ever answers and he is not always available when I need something answered.
To me, the software is a very hard to work with... (guptasteve loves it)... but I have to use it as it comes with our ERP system for creating the outputted reports, like Purchase Orders, Sales Orders, Work Order travelers, etc...
I just wanted to see if any of my friends here had experience with the software so I can get some more prompt assistance if/when I needed some... that's all![]()
Not x-posting!
I was just looking for info on what the program does
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