I received this PM from a very satisfied member the other day, and after receiving their permission, I thought it would be good to share it with the rest of the members, as well as a huge pat on the back (and my personal thanks) to the member caused these accolades.

Hi, I hope you don't mind me contacting you with my query, but having already had contact with you and seeing you listed as an Admin in Comm. Servs. section, I'm hoping you can help me.

Having tried to solve my original problem myself through self teaching by searching the net and using Excel built in features and being unable to do so. I then joined the forum and had my problem solved for me.

What I requested help with was fully solved but even before I posted my problem I knew(believed) that I would still have to do some data sorting manually even if a fully solved solution was provided to me.

Now having seen the level of expertise available I believe that my problem can be fully solved. My question re Comm. Servs. is this as I can't seem to see any more detail other than the Sub amounts.

As the forumite jindon was kind enough to provide me with a full solution to my original request for free and as my new request is a direct follow on to that original request, using the same worksheets and data.

I would like jindon to continue on helping me and for him to receive payment as he was kind enough to provide his services for free initially and I would like to express my thanks and gratitude in return by paying him for any further services he can provide.

I understand that he may not be able to solve my new request and someone else may, but I would like to at least give him first refusal as such. Is this possible. Does a responder have to be on a list to provide solutions in the Comm section.

If he is eligible to provide help in this section, how do I go about contacting him to set this up? Rather than just post my query in the section and have someone else reply ahead of him.

If I buy credits I assume the site should rightly receive a %, what % does the responder receive, so I can give a fair amount to them for their help.

While any solution to a problem from any person is welcome, I would not like it myself if I was reading the comm section and seen someone else providing a paid solution to a problem where I had initially solved the first part for free.

I am grateful for finding this forum and I do not want to ask for further help for free, having read through some threads just out of interest, it amazes me how some people have had their problems solved, many after a number of back and forth posts and they don't even bother their **** to sign off with even a thank you. Such is the way of the World these days, unfortunately.
I have answered the OP's questions above and have sent Jindon a PM of thanks, as well

For my part, it is posts like this that make this all worthwhile to me - whether I get them, or another member does, matters not at all to me. Just the fact that someone took the time and effort to not only say "thank you", but when above and beyond to type all of the above and say such good things about our forum and its amazing, generous members