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McAfee no likee

  1. #1
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    McAfee no likee

    FYI. See image below. Of course it's wrong, but if one of you knows how to tilt McAfee back to reality by whitelisting or whatever, I'll leave that up to you.

    The rest of this is just bitchin' and moanin', as long as I'm here about this. This is from something called McAfee Security Scan Plus that Adobe jerkoffedlly stuffed on me without asking when I installed Flash. That's right, I was not even given a checkbox to uncheck. Regardless, with or without the checkboxes, I thought Adobe was reputable enough not to do that punk "piggyback installation" crap. BTW I installed twice; it installed different software each time - WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING. Unbelievable for a company of that stature.

    Recommended: after any Adobe installation, or any new software installation, or as a weekly (or whatever) good periodic practice, go to Add/Remove (ummm, Programs and Features - sigh) and reverse sort by "Installed on" to see the most recent additions to your machine. (That's assuming that all new programs reported honestly. As such this is not foolproof but it's still a good practice.)

    And BTW, Flash never worked. I install fine but simply cannot see the clouds and I have no idea why not. I can see youtubes on both Firefox Quantum 57 and IE 11, but many, many sites' videos (bbc, accuweather, nfl, etc.) won't play on IE11 (they will on Firefox) (actually nfl won't play videos on either. It always used to work, a year or two ago). I read that youtube and some others have dropped Flash for HTML5, so I assume that I'm just cooked on sites still using Flash.


  2. #2
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    Re: McAfee no likee

    (Ignore this reply. Too much LDS in the Sixties)
    Last edited by Oppressed1; 01-26-2018 at 05:18 PM.

  3. #3
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    Re: McAfee no likee

    And so that you will know what it looks like when it happens, see below. The O. P. image (post #1) is what you get if you click "View site report" at the bottom.

    Last edited by Oppressed1; 01-26-2018 at 07:55 AM.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert JapanDave's Avatar
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    Re: McAfee no likee

    Be fore warned, I regularly post drunk. So don't take offence (too much) to what I say.
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  5. #5
    Forum Expert dominicb's Avatar
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    Re: McAfee no likee

    Quote Originally Posted by Oppressed1 View Post
    This is from something called McAfee Security Scan Plus that Adobe jerkoffedlly stuffed on me without asking when I installed Flash. That's right, I was not even given a checkbox to uncheck. Regardless, with or without the checkboxes, I thought Adobe was reputable enough not to do that punk "piggyback installation" crap. BTW I installed twice; it installed different software each time - WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING. Unbelievable for a company of that stature.
    I don't know of any "white list" or workaround to stop McAfee being so twitchy about anything it comes across. Which is strange considering it cross references with a black list of supposed "known" malicious sites when making its decisions. My own personal site got onto this list about 8 years ago after it got hacked and a virus uploaded into it. I became aware of this within 24 hours, I wiped the site, uploaded from an off-line backup, change the password and the world was good again. Until I found out I had made the black list. As far as I know, it's still there ...

    As for Adobe installing unrequested software when you try to update Flash, I agree, it's pretty low. I have updated Flash twice, and I too got something unwanted, which got uninstalled straight away. I couldn't tell you whether it was different on each occasion, but I seem to remember it being McAfee. At present, every time I try and open something Flash-based, I get a prompt telling me that Flash needs updating, but the content runs anyway.

    I am now stuck between running outdated Flash, or updating Flash and getting something completely unwanted into the bargain.

    For now, I'll just keep using the Flash as it works, and I reckon I'm competent enough to handle any consequences that might arise from this.


    Last edited by dominicb; 01-26-2018 at 10:38 AM.

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator Glenn Kennedy's Avatar
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    Re: McAfee no likee

    IMHO... McAfee=Yahoo=Cyberbullies.

    I hate them both... with a vengeance.

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  7. #7
    Forum Expert Doc.AElstein's Avatar
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    Attachments McAfee Adopey Adobe Wayne Kerr – I had one

    Hello Oppressed1
    _1) Just passing info regarding Post #2,
    Quote Originally Posted by Oppressed1 View Post
    ...I can't figure how to delete an entire post; I can't get rid of the images ..Their image tags no longer appear ..
    _1(i) Only Mods or Admin can delete a whole post, …you can PM them or hit the Report Button at the bottom of your post and ask them to do it for you giving your reasons for wanting to have the post deleted.
    _1(ii) if you take out just the Image tags…
    If you take out just the tags then the images are still somehow there. I think somehow they don’t know where to go and so just get tacked on the end of the post… maybe
    Anyway , You can remove them though, .. use manage attachments like this:
    You need to need to
    Edit Post
    and then
    Go Advanced
    Warning BEFORE you do that
    If there is anything you have in the post that you want then make sure you have a back up, because there is a excelforum bug which results in the original contents of a post sometimes vanishing without trace when you Edit or Go Advanced
    After you have hit Go Advanced,
    Scroll down to Manage Attachments and select that
    Manage Attachments
    ManageAttatchments.JPG https://imgur.com/gIp2d5s
    You then get a chance to remove the attachment
    Do that, and then close the window:
    Remove_1Closethiswindow_2.JPG https://imgur.com/uuw1n1h
    After that the Image is completely gone

    _2) Adobe
    I do not have any experience with McAfee. But I had a bad experience with Adobe. I asked them some questions with a view of buying something from them which was quite expensive. I mentioned to them that I had little computer knowledge. They gave me a link to a very advanced 50 page technical article and I could not even see any relevance at all to my question in that.
    I thanked them and asked them very politely for some more clarity.
    Two senior people there answered. One said “didn’t read the article”. The other , ( the original person answering ) just gave the link to the post he put the link in and said “I told you”
    I was puzzled at the time .. but now ..
    Quote Originally Posted by Oppressed1 View Post
    ... Adobe jerkoffedlly
    .. I understand now – the people answering me were probably too busy playing with their plonkers to help me. Thanks for clearing that one up for me.

    _3) excelforum blocked.
    We had a bad virus/ Phishing attack sometime back. A lot of places blocked excelforum because of that. A few places still do. Some members still therefore have difficulty getting access to the forum.

    Last edited by Doc.AElstein; 01-27-2018 at 07:45 AM. Reason: Ta Poos
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  8. #8
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    Re: Attachments McAfee Adopey Adobe Wayne Kerr – I had one

    Quote Originally Posted by doc.aelstein View Post
    one said “didn’t read the article”. The other , ( the original person answering ) just gave the link to the post he put the link in and said “i told you”

  9. #9
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    Re: Attachments McAfee Adopey Adobe Wayne Kerr – I had one

    WTG, Doc! Manage attachments is really great for managing attachments, now that you've pointed it out.

    As to the post that mcafee is calling bloody murder, maybe the xlsm attachment excited him. Even so I would expect that that should rise no more than to the level of a warning that a page contained a link to executable code - not a "malicious site," "dangerous" and "very risky." FWIW other pages are going through just fine. And now the suspicious page itself is making it through (though maybe it just remembers that I said "accept the risk"). This may be just a one-off issue; I'll keep an eye on it.
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  10. #10
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    Re: McAfee no likee

    Quote Originally Posted by Oppressed1 View Post
    (Ignore this reply. Too much LDS in the Sixties)
    Were you a Mormon?
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  11. #11
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    Re: McAfee no likee


  12. #12
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    Re: McAfee no likee

    Regarding "LDS":

    No, I belonged to the Church of the One True Shatner. That's the OTS of TOS. Nope, not dyslexic much.

    Explanation of "too much LDS": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgHxFNFWlZc
    All becomes clear in that 17 second video.

  13. #13
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    Re: McAfee no likee

    McAfee is terrible.

  14. #14
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    Re: McAfee no likee

    John Mcafee gets a little paranoid too. There's an article on how he thought the cartel was after him

    At one point, I think he even mentioned that his antivirus software wasn't very good.

  15. #15
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    Re: McAfee no likee

    Which is why I use Kaspersky. If Adobe TRIES to do a piggyback install, I would know about it because I have that option set up. As far as I can recall from before I retired, the ONLY reason we used McAfee on U.S. Navy machines is because they were the low bidder on the "bulk load" contract - meaning that we got a good volume discount for the contract that included a Navy-wide (100,000 units) license. You know, of course, that you ALWAYS pay in SOME way for using the low bidder.

  16. #16
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    Re: McAfee no likee

    Mcafee is THE STD for our computers!

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