FYI. See image below. Of course it's wrong, but if one of you knows how to tilt McAfee back to reality by whitelisting or whatever, I'll leave that up to you.

The rest of this is just bitchin' and moanin', as long as I'm here about this. This is from something called McAfee Security Scan Plus that Adobe jerkoffedlly stuffed on me without asking when I installed Flash. That's right, I was not even given a checkbox to uncheck. Regardless, with or without the checkboxes, I thought Adobe was reputable enough not to do that punk "piggyback installation" crap. BTW I installed twice; it installed different software each time - WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING. Unbelievable for a company of that stature.

Recommended: after any Adobe installation, or any new software installation, or as a weekly (or whatever) good periodic practice, go to Add/Remove (ummm, Programs and Features - sigh) and reverse sort by "Installed on" to see the most recent additions to your machine. (That's assuming that all new programs reported honestly. As such this is not foolproof but it's still a good practice.)

And BTW, Flash never worked. I install fine but simply cannot see the clouds and I have no idea why not. I can see youtubes on both Firefox Quantum 57 and IE 11, but many, many sites' videos (bbc, accuweather, nfl, etc.) won't play on IE11 (they will on Firefox) (actually nfl won't play videos on either. It always used to work, a year or two ago). I read that youtube and some others have dropped Flash for HTML5, so I assume that I'm just cooked on sites still using Flash.
