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Rep and feedback

  1. #1
    Forum Expert Alf's Avatar
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    Rep and feedback

    Browsing forum threads I often see clever solutions and sophisticated code so occasionally I do click on the forum members star giving rep + comments to their solutions.

    I myself have also been reped by browsing forum members and it's very pleasant to find that a forum member with a better know how of excel than you appreciates your efforts even if the OP didn't do so.

    Some time ago I decided to make an Excel file containing members reped and the feedback I got, either as a visitor message, a PM or a "thank you" note in thread.

    I find the result interesting but the numbers reped are probably to small to make any meaningful interpretation.

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    Re: Rep and feedback

    Alf, if you are interested in more data, you are allowed to use mine (if you are interested).

    at this moment 2.051 points (rep).

    I don't know where to find the forumstatus of the rep. (giver).
    Notice my main language is not English.

    I appreciate it, if you reply on my solution.

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    You can add reputation by clicking on the star * add reputation.

  3. #3
    Forum Expert Alf's Avatar
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    I don't know where to find the forumstatus of the rep. (giver).
    What I do when I give rep to a member I add this to my file (rep_sheet): thread headline, members name, member status, number of posts, repdate and feedback date. So far I've found that if I get feedback I get it in less than 3 days.

    Then I have a sheet named "Links" where the url to the thread is saved + the rep date. So I can check if there was any feedback in the thread. It has happend but it's most unusual. Most feedback comes as "visitor messages"

    The last sheet in this file is "Statistic" which is shown in the uploaded picture.

    It's kind of you to offer me the use of your data but as I do add my data in a specific form I'm not sure how to fit it in among my excisting data.

    This file is an idle amusement I endulge in for no particular reason or perhaps because I've seen some comments about getting rid of the rep system. Well to those who wish to do so I could say that it looks like 2/3 of the active forum members don't care about reps so getting rid of the system should not upset the majority.


  4. #4
    Forum Expert Doc.AElstein's Avatar
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    Hi Alf, how are you?
    I browse ( Lurk ) a lot. I like to have the opportunity to mention to the giver when I have benefited from the contribution. A normal PM is an alternative, but could clutter the In Box of a regular who gets many PM’s. The PM is another contact possibility***

    I have not had the privilege myself much, but if I were like many of the regulars frequently giving solutions I would be pleased to hear that someone had both benefited from , and taken the time to search through to find, a solution I had worked on previously. IMO checking through previous solutions first should be encouraged. As such, The Rep system plays a part there possibly: It works in Addition as a second pseudo PM Message facility***, albeit just for a quick note. It can help in notifying a Poster of your interest, and may from that spark his interest to follow up, if asked.

    When you Google elsewhere you often get asked “was this helpful” . The Rep system could work similarly for feedback, but its existence is not so prominent, only the minority of the OPs I have helped seem to know of its existence. ( I didn’t see it mentioned in the Rules – of course it is not a rule, and if it was there or in a Forum Posting Guideline... well... .. the endless fight to get Ops to read it Lol... !! )

    I have not had a chance to do a detailed look, but at first glance I think my “Rep profile” is almost the opposite from yours, crudely more at the extremes of the User’s “Forum Status”, less in the middle- somehow may compliment my character maybe.. Somehow, ..not quite sure there.. Lol.. )

    I guess you know you get different “Points” from Reps from the different User “Status” level ?

    Ford mentioned that only you can see your Rep Comment List:
    Possibly that is a Forum software ( Bug ) issue.
    ...The whole Like / Rep bit of the of vBulletin Software seems to have been a bit quirky....
    Quote Originally Posted by Alf View Post
    ..... because I've seen some comments about getting rid of the rep system. Well to those who wish to do so I could say that it looks like 2/3 of the active forum members don't care about reps so getting rid of the system should not upset the majority....
    I note that at MrExcel they have a “Like” system that does not, as far as I know still, not work properly. It is frequently discussed. On average most regulars seem not too rate it to highly. Shame IMO.
    ( Final note in passing there, ExcelFox, had the “Like” system and it “worked ”, the last time I could look ( the site seems hit from Phishing again just now ) . They had a fairly recent version of the vBulletin Software then. But they recently updated to the latest version of the vBulletin Software and they appear not to have the “Like” system anymore and just have the Rep system similar to the ExcelForum Rep system. So whether it is here or not, might just be dependent on version to some extent.


    P.s. I sometimes find that my Rep list a good alternative way to get/find a link to an Old Thread of mine if I need it. That is one advantage of not having too many, lol.... not having to scroll too far to find what I am looking for
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  5. #5
    Forum Expert Alf's Avatar
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    Hi Alan

    Thanks for your comments. Yes I agree that a "rep and a thank you" is a pleasant and simple way to show your apreciation to somebody that spent time and effort trying to help you.

    And seeing comments like "Thanks for feedback and rep" shows that OP's do give reps to forum members that do help them. If the OP says "thank you" as they do most of the time it's in the thread but you don't know for sure about reps.

    So I was interested to test the feedback rate of reps in a controlled environment. And as you see the result of my findigs are that about 33 % responds with a "thank you" for reps recived.

    As my statisic contain numbers of post (not shown in the uploaded image) as well as forum status it seem that those with lower forum status / number of post are more likely to repond with a "thank you" for reps recived but again the numbers reped are really to small for making meanigfull conclutions.

    So I'll probably keep on doing this only for my own amusement.


  6. #6
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    Speaking of reps, why do I only get to see the last 99 reps in the list? If I get one more rep then my rep from shg is pushed off the list.

    It's equally puzzling as the microsized inbox.
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    I don't wish to leave you with no answer, yet I sometimes miss posts. If you feel I forgot you, remind me with a PM or just bump the thread.

  7. #7
    Forum Expert Alf's Avatar
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    If I get one more rep then my rep from shg is pushed off the list.
    Ouch! That is really painful as a shg rep is a high level rep! Since the band of green squares reminds me of military ribbons perhaps we should have squares with different colors depending on if we got it from an humble OP or a high level forum member.

    Perhaps a bit like the name of the forum gurus that is show in a different color (dark blue, royal blood??) as opposed to us normal members.

    The 99 is as far as I understand something the EF tech team in its infinite wisdome decided would be sufficient.


  8. #8
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    I always thought you could see 100 rep entries, but it seems I was wrong ... I can only see 90 entries.

    I have been given rep for my contribution by people, other than the OP, who are involved/contributing to the thread and also from people who are not involved in the thread. The most recent example was from Winon who commented on my answer to a thread (but not in the thread ... and thanks to him for that )

    I have also repped people in threads in which I have had no involvement but appreciated the response and/or learned from it.
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  9. #9
    Forum Expert Doc.AElstein's Avatar
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    Re: Rep and feedback... wot a Bummer the List gets truncated :(

    ( Strange, my Post here seems to have vanished since yesterday, or most of it ?? - never mind, - I think this is roughly what I wrote:....

    _ Yep, anything that encourages a bit of feedback is worthwhile IMO. Feedback is almost always healthy, even critical feedback is sometimes better than none. Feedback is lacking on a Forum like this sometimes IMO, ( including from management lol.. ) . Inevitable with the technology I suppose, - as some people will post quick on the off chance of a solution here and there, and maybe not think too much that there is a person behind the help they get. – I often joke that there are some amazing “code producing machines” here, but I don’t mean it literally.
    _ my stats are probably untypical, unrepresentative, I can only answer Threads less technically , ( but frequently time consuming ) problems.. The OP’s I help I rarely have the will to explain to them how to Rep along with everything else they do not know.. lol..

    but I look forward to your follow up in a year or two with detailed results and conclusions

    @ Trevor and jacc
    That limit is a bit of a Bummer. - I use the Rep list as a convenient way to get a quick access for reference to some of my “Blog” posts. Never mind, maybe I have enough soon. I am starting to get very confused reading them myself now. I doubt if I will get to 100 Lol..

    EDIT: Thanks for the Rep Alf !!!!

    EDIT again!: Thanks for the Rep jacc!!!
    Last edited by Doc.AElstein; 07-17-2016 at 11:50 AM. Reason: 1) my prevuious post had truncated and mostly vanished !! ????

  10. #10
    Forum Guru xladept's Avatar
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    Hi Alf,

    You old "normal" member you

    @Jacc & Trevor - my reps go back to February of this year, perhaps because I haven't been very active lately?
    If I've helped you, please consider adding to my reputation - just click on the liitle star at the left.

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  11. #11
    Forum Guru AlKey's Avatar
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by TMS View Post
    I always thought you could see 100 rep entries, but it seems I was wrong ... I can only see 90 entries.

    I have been given rep for my contribution by people, other than the OP, who are involved/contributing to the thread and also from people who are not involved in the thread. The most recent example was from Winon who commented on my answer to a thread (but not in the thread ... and thanks to him for that )

    I have also repped people in threads in which I have had no involvement but appreciated the response and/or learned from it.
    Hmm...I see exactly 100 records listed.
    If you like my answer please click on * Add Reputation
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  12. #12
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    I show 100 reps. I hand counted them so I could be off by one.
    One test is worth a thousand opinions.
    Click the * Add Reputation below to say thanks.

  13. #13
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    I have also given reps on threads I have not been involved in, and have received from members who have used some of my suggestions from older threads (those are always nice)
    1. Use code tags for VBA. [code] Your Code [/code] (or use the # button)
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  14. #14
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    I have never really thought about giving reps "randomly" (i.e. other than for threads that I have started) despite finding solutions to problems I encountered by searching through forums.
    In future I will give reps wherever I find a solution to a problem because the work put in by those that help is under appreciated!

  15. #15
    Forum Expert Alf's Avatar
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    You old "normal" member you
    Hi Orrin,

    Ouch, I guess I deserved that slap.

    On the other hand as the "Watercooler forum" is the forum for idle chit chat so a bit of silliness in postings should be expected / not taken amiss.

    I have also given reps on threads I have not been involved in, and have received from members who have used some of my suggestions from older threads (those are always nice)
    I think habbits like this make the forum a better one


  16. #16
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by TMS View Post
    I always thought you could see 100 rep entries, but it seems I was wrong ... I can only see 90 entries.
    Quote Originally Posted by AlKey View Post
    Hmm...I see exactly 100 records listed.
    Quote Originally Posted by MarvinP View Post
    I show 100 reps. I hand counted them so I could be off by one.
    90, 99 or 100 is all the same to me. I want to see them ALL, however many thousands that is!

  17. #17
    Forum Expert Doc.AElstein's Avatar
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.AElstein View Post
    That limit is a bit of a Bummer. - I use the Rep list as a convenient way to get a quick access for reference to some of my “Blog” posts. Never mind, maybe I have enough soon. I am starting to get very confused reading them myself now. I doubt if I will get to 100 Lol..
    EDIT: Thanks for the Rep Alf !!!!
    One last note here, or another one for the wish list to be ignored by EF Management, Lol.... )

    I believe things that are basically text list are easy cheap in computer memory stuff??
    I certainly find it good to occasionally be able to delve very deep down in some people’s post list, ( other forums have that truncated ). As I mentioned sometimes a the Rep list is a good reference point / look up facility to get quick to a Thread post, - we Human’s store things haphazardly in our brains, illogically which is good sometimes – you remember sometimes things well sometimes in strange nice Human ways– no one would forget they had a Rep from shg!!

    So Could the limit be taken off please?

    P.s. Hope the infinite Person’s post list is not just something the management have not noticed yet they and truncate that too – no worries of them getting to notice it as a result of my post here i hope – unlikely they will ever see it Lol...

    EDIt: Hi Jacc - I posted as you did ..didn't see yours.. same thoughts Lol !

    Edit again... @ Jacc, iIwas just going to Rep you for bring up this important limit that I had not noticed, ... but i did not want to push your shg Rep over the Cliff's edge
    Consider yourself Repped - or/ and i will rep you if the Limit is taken off
    Last edited by Doc.AElstein; 07-17-2016 at 02:45 AM. Reason: saw jacc's post

  18. #18
    Forum Expert Alf's Avatar
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    90, 99 or 100 is all the same to me. I want to see them ALL, however many thousands that is!
    I secon that!


  19. #19
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    I want to see them ALL, however many thousands that is!
    Really? What are you going to do with that big long list? It's a bit like a lot of the stuff in my loft/attic; I'm never going to look at it, let alone use it, but I can't contemplate parting with it. Even empty boxes for kit I no longer have ... just in case I needed to take it back. I have quite a few rep points and, nice though it would be to scroll down memory lane every so often, I'm probably not going to. And I even have/had some from shg.

  20. #20
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    I think everybody can agree that the list should include somewhere between 1 and ALL reps long.
    Pick a number.
    I picked ALL because I'm a bit of a weirdo.
    What number would you pick TMS?

    It is interesting how different my quote with the exclamation mark looks when the smiley is excluded.

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    Re: Rep and feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.AElstein View Post

    Edit again... @ Jacc, iIwas just going to Rep you for bring up this important limit that I had not noticed, ... but i did not want to push your shg Rep over the Cliff's edge
    Consider yourself Repped - or/ and i will rep you if the Limit is taken off

    Ha ha... That was more of a joke, that rep will be gone soon anyway. Rep away!

  22. #22
    Forum Expert Doc.AElstein's Avatar
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Jacc View Post
    ......, that rep will be gone soon anyway. ........

    Show off!!!!! : ): )

  23. #23
    Forum Expert snb's Avatar
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Alf View Post
    I second that!

    If you want this signal to be ignored by EF-'management' you should place it in the 'suggestions for improvement' subforum.

  24. #24
    Forum Expert Alf's Avatar
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    If you want this signal to be ignored by EF-'management'
    Does it really matters where one post suggestions. It may be endorsed EF-management but the Tech team don't implemet it so the result is nil most of the time.


  25. #25
    Forum Guru xladept's Avatar
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    Hi Alf,

    At least I said it with a smile. I also give reps to threads I've only perused - I thought we all did as I get reps from spectators as well.


  26. #26
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    I was informed in a previous thread that forum guests can also give reps. They show up as grey (not green) blocks in the infamous rep list.
    So if anyone didn't know that from before, now you know.

  27. #27
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Rep and feedback

    They show up as grey (not green) blocks in the infamous rep list.
    Sadly, they don't increment your rep count

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