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Where to post question on basic forum usage?

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  1. #1
    Forum Contributor delaing's Avatar
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    Where to post question on basic forum usage?

    I've read the various FAQ's and have been on several forums with seemingly similar software environments.
    So this should put me above 'newbie', so my question may simply show my complete ignorance all together.

    Where do I go to post a question on basic forum usage?

    I tried finding an FAQ or post on how to get the most out of Search criteria and syntax to no avail. Not to be smug, but I just cannot afford the time it seems to be taking me to weed through all the results I'm getting with the search I'm trying to utilize.

    If I can understand or see where there are options for setting up a search so that I'm not getting 188 pages of possible posts, that would be great. I've tried enclosing part of the string with quotes; have not tried OR, NOT, etc. yet.


  2. #2
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Where to post question on basic forum usage?

    Hi, welcome to the forum

    Most forum search engines leave much to be desired...I have had some searches return things in no way related to what I wanted.

    My suggestion would be to just post your question in 1 of the forums (general perhaps?) and let our members offer a tailor-made answer for you
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  3. #3
    Forum Contributor delaing's Avatar
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    Re: Where to post question on basic forum usage?

    I appreciate your response. See you 'round.


  4. #4
    Forum Guru xladept's Avatar
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    Re: Where to post question on basic forum usage?

    For my help, posting on the Excel Programming/VBA/Macros Forum is most fruitious

    For the other kind of help - posting on the Excel Formulas & Functions is most relevant.

    But there are others that may be more pertinant to your question
    If I've helped you, please consider adding to my reputation - just click on the liitle star at the left.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Pride has no aftertaste.)

    You can't do one thing. XLAdept

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~aka Orrin

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