I can only see up to page 27 of the "calling the cavalry" thread.... there are more than 27 pages... and my CP General setting for Default Thread Age Cut Off: is Show All Threads and setting for Number of Posts to Show Per Page: is Use Forum Default
I can only see up to page 27 of the "calling the cavalry" thread.... there are more than 27 pages... and my CP General setting for Default Thread Age Cut Off: is Show All Threads and setting for Number of Posts to Show Per Page: is Use Forum Default
Where there is a will there are many ways.
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I see that others are obviously seeing the last page... so what setting do I need to adjust now?
You only have to wait until the thread contains some more posts, so the page calculating algorithm doesn't fail anymore on the modulo rule.
Where the rule fails is dependent on the number of threads you indicated you want to see in 1 page.
The thread doesn't contain any more posts, but now I do see all the pages... so maybe it is a "reset" thing... geesh... this forum will never get back to what it was way back when....
If there is a 16th post, the thread gets stuck, but if a 17th post comes in, it works fine. This was the issue earlier, but has been fixed now.
However, the jump to page does not work yet. The tech team is working on resolving it.
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See this thread, it's the same problem
The only way then to access Page 2 was to use jump to, see post #1
Arlette, you say
Two pointsHowever, the jump to page does not work yet. The tech team is working on resolving it.
1/. Seems that the problem was not fully resolved.
2/. The "tech team" has broken yet another thing that was working.
Can we give them negative rep?
The thread that you have linked above has only 9 posts. The thread inside it has 15 posts. Are you talking about some other thread where you faced the issue?
I did a test today in the testing forum, creating post after post, so it reaches 16 and then tested it. It worked fine. Using Jump to, ">" arrow key, or even by clicking on "2".
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