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Contributors deprived of accolades

  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Contributors deprived of accolades

    Today, the contributor Fluff13 was deprived of a reputational star, because of an intern Excel-forum rule stating that I must honor someone else before I can re-honor Fluff13, since I obviously have honored him last time around.
    Skjermbilde 2024-07-28 160632.png
    Surely there must be other ways of avoiding misuse.

    What about an easy accessed ranked list of contributors governed by the site owners?
    Ranked on two criteria, like the number of threads they have been active in, and how many solutions they have been credited?

    I do not know, but it is an idea...

    I, for my concern, wants to be able to honor the one with the solution, at the time the solution has arrived the discussion. Not may be weeks later, since I am here not too often.
    Besides forcing users to honor others than the ones he or she thinks deserve it, makes the whole reputation schemes not compatible with the real world, doesn't it?

    As it is now, contributors are deprived of a "medal", and users being robbed of the possibility to give them one!
    To me this is not a satisfactory solution, and I guess so to other users also.

    Hope this comment is taken into consideration.

    Thanks for reading!

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Contributors deprived of accolades

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Just a couple of observations from me:

    1. We have a membership list that is, I believe, sorted by rep points earnt by default. If not, then it can be sorted on that heading or, indeed, the number of posts that have been made: https://www.excelforum.com/members/l...putation&pp=30
    2. As I mentioned in the thread where you raised this, you can award Fluff the rep you want to give at any time, but you'll have to give some other members rep first (I know this seems odd, but it's a precautionary measure that this forum has had in place for a long time).
    3. By way of managing your expectations here, the admin and mod team has been asking the owner for a site upgrade for many years. We recognise that the forum software is old and incompatible with modern expectations - we are no more keen on its drawbacks than you are, and would love to see a shiny new interface with the sort of rep system that most of the other competing forums have. The owner promised us that we would get an upgrade - we were hopeful, but nearly three years on, nothing has happened. He and his tech team keep deflecting: I have come to the conclusion, sadly, that the upgrade won't ever happen unless the current software becomes completely unusable, but even if it does, I am no longer completely confident of its being replaced. I know this sounds a bit pessimistic, but I can't offer you anything more hopeful, I am afraid. But thank you for adding grist to the mill.

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  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: Contributors deprived of accolades

    Hi, and thanks for replying …

    I found the mentioned list, but still the rule to deny me giving an accolade to whomever I want, whenever I want, is a drag, really.

    I know I can award a contributor any time, but according to my wife, my memory span is very short. By the time I come around to it, it’s all forgotten, sadly enough.

    I really hope work for further development and modernization of this forum, which I think is one of the best forums on the internet, is to be continued. This is imperative.

    Thanks again.
    Last edited by Tresfjording; 07-28-2024 at 12:58 PM. Reason: grammar

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: Contributors deprived of accolades

    but according to my wife, my memory span is very short

    I really hope work for further development and modernization of this forum, which I think is one of the best forums on the internet, is to be continued. This is imperative.
    I agree totally, but as I have explained, the owner keeps stalling on the upgrade. We do lobby him frequently, though. Not much more that we can do, really.

    I wish I could give better news.

    EDIT: Just by way of illustration, here's a thread from 2017 during a period when the forum was almost unusable (this has happened again since then).


    Note that the forum owner (Vaibav), who does look in here from time to time, never even bothered to address the issues being raised in the thread. There wasn't even a message of reassurance from him. I suppose what I am saying is, "Don't hold your breath!"
    Last edited by AliGW; 07-30-2024 at 05:02 AM. Reason: Typo fixed.

  5. #5
    Forum Guru Pete_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Contributors deprived of accolades

    A similar concern can be raised about the "grey" reps, i.e. a brand new member with no posts sees a post that they find useful and gives rep to that poster. However, they are unaware that their "rep power" is zero until they make at least one post, and so the intended recipient gets nothing.


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