Today, the contributor Fluff13 was deprived of a reputational star, because of an intern Excel-forum rule stating that I must honor someone else before I can re-honor Fluff13, since I obviously have honored him last time around.
Skjermbilde 2024-07-28 160632.png
Surely there must be other ways of avoiding misuse.
What about an easy accessed ranked list of contributors governed by the site owners?
Ranked on two criteria, like the number of threads they have been active in, and how many solutions they have been credited?
I do not know, but it is an idea...
I, for my concern, wants to be able to honor the one with the solution, at the time the solution has arrived the discussion. Not may be weeks later, since I am here not too often.
Besides forcing users to honor others than the ones he or she thinks deserve it, makes the whole reputation schemes not compatible with the real world, doesn't it?
As it is now, contributors are deprived of a "medal", and users being robbed of the possibility to give them one!
To me this is not a satisfactory solution, and I guess so to other users also.
Hope this comment is taken into consideration.
Thanks for reading!