Hello Excel/PowerPoint folks,

I am running PowerPoint 2010 and while I'm ok with general usage, I'm not as familiar with the inner workings as I am with Excel. From what I've Googled, there is no longer a Record Macro option in PP 2010 so my main method of learning is not available in PowerPoint.

In my current presentation, I have multiple slides with embedded Excel spreadsheets (Insert -> Table -> Excel Spreadsheet). Multiple people will be updating each slide and there's no guarantee they'll refocus the cells to "A1" to ensue the correct information is displayed when the presentation runs.

What I want to do is create a macro that will go through each slide and set the focus of each embedded excel sheet to cell "A1" to ensure when the presentation runs the information I want displayed is in frame.

Can anyone provide any assistance or direction in this (I'm assuming/hoping) simple Macro?
