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[Outlook 2010] Macro to import data from incoming emails

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vidaLL [Outlook 2010] Macro to... 09-24-2013, 02:23 PM
vidaLL Re: [Outlook 2010] Macro to... 10-01-2013, 04:42 PM
  1. #1
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    [Outlook 2010] Macro to import data from incoming emails

    Hello Guys.
    I am new to the forum so any error posting, forgive me.
    I need to extract data from the inbox of the outlook, but only the emails that were answered by me. In case, must contain the following information: Date/time received, office, department, date of response, email the person who sent it.
    I elaborated the following macro however is not doing what I want.

    Sub fncRelatório()
        'Execute esta macro no Outlook
        'Altere o caminho abaixo
        Const cstrOutput As String = "c:\temp\Relatório.txt"
        Dim intFF As Integer
        Dim lngMonth As Long
        Dim lngYear As Long
        Dim mli As MailItem
        Dim rcp As Recipient
        Dim ctt As ContactItem
        Dim nms As NameSpace
        Dim objAllItems As Outlook.Items
        Dim objFilteredItems As Outlook.Items
        Dim objItem As Object
        Dim strCriteria As String
        Dim strDepartament As String
        Dim strOfficeLocation As String
        lngYear = InputBox("Type the year:", , Year(Date))
        lngMonth = InputBox("Type the month:", , Month(Date))
        If lngYear < 1900 Or lngYear > 3000 Or lngMonth < 1 Or lngMonth > 12 Then
            MsgBox "Dados de entrada incorretos.", vbCritical
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Set nms = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
        'Altere as pastas abaixo para como está configurado seu e-mail:
        Set objAllItems = nms.Folders("your@emailcom").Folders("Inbox").Items
        strCriteria = "[ReceivedTime] > " & "'" & DateSerial(lngYear, lngMonth, 1) & "'" _
        & " And [ReceivedTime] < " & "'" & DateSerial(lngYear, lngMonth + 1, 1) & "'"
        Set objFilteredItems = objAllItems.Restrict(strCriteria)
        intFF = FreeFile
        Open "c:\temp\Relatório.txt" For Output As #intFF
        For Each objItem In objFilteredItems
            If TypeName(objItem) = "MailItem" Then
                Set rcp = Nothing
                Set ctt = Nothing
                strDepartament = ""
                strOfficeLocation = ""
                Set rcp = mli.Recipients(1).Resolve
                If rcp.Resolved Then
                    Set ctt = rcp.AddressEntry.GetContact
                    If Not ctt Is Nothing Then
                        strDepartament = ctt.Department
                        strOfficeLocation = ctt.OfficeLocation
                    End If
                End If
                Print #intFF, "Titulo: " & mli.Subject
                Print #intFF, "Destinatário: " & mli.To
                Print #intFF, "Departamento: " & strDepartament
                Print #intFF, "Local do Escritório: " & strOfficeLocation
                Print #intFF, "Data Envio: " & mli.SentOn
                Print #intFF, "Corpo da Mensagem: " & Left(mli.Body, 50)
                Print #intFF, ""
            End If
        Next objItem
        Close #intFF
    End Sub
    Could you help me please?


  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Re: [Outlook 2010] Macro to import data from incoming emails

    nobody ?

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