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Loop new messages containing a table, populate a dynamic array, paste array to Excel

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laripa Loop new messages containing... 05-19-2013, 03:50 AM
laripa Re: Loop new messages... 05-19-2013, 07:20 AM
  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Helsinki, Finland
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    Excel 2010

    Loop new messages containing a table, populate a dynamic array, paste array to Excel

    Hi everyone,

    I have tried to solve the following puzzle for awhile and am looking for some insights.

    The situation is as follows. I receive several emails per day to a specified email account. The mail box does not receive any other messages than the ones I am interested but in theory it could. Each and every email contain a data table with a header, where the number of rows and columns alter from one email to another. The message body contains just a table. In each and every email, the column headers are named systematically/uniquely and I am only interested in three of them (there could be more than three depending on the email). Let's call them USER, TASK, and NUMBER. The number of rows (observations) vary between emails but not within emails; i.e. the three columns I am interested always have the same number of rows per unique email.

    In order to make things complicated, I would prefer the application to run silently on the background without prompting the user every now and then. Also, I am not sure if this is feasible, the macro would run always when one opens Outlook for the first time as well as when new message arrives (if this makes the application really heavy, one can always use a timer that will run the code let's say every 15 minutes).

    1. Look Unread mailitems containing a table
    2. Loop through all those messages in the mailbox and populate an array
    3. Open a new excel file, call the array from the VBA memory, save the file, and close it
    4. Open a new mailitem, enter a recipient, add attachment, and send
    5. Run again when a new email arrives or after a specified time interval

    First of all, is this even possible?

    Below you can see the code showing where I need help.

    Thank you for taking your time to read through the message.

    Any help is welcome and much appreciated!

    Sub test() 
        Dim ns As NameSpace 
        Dim item As MailItem 
        Dim inbox As MAPIFolder 
        Dim sub_folder As MAPIFolder 
        Dim rows As Variant 
        Dim numberofColumns As Long 
        Dim numberofRows As Long 
        Dim numberofColumnsPreviousMsg As Long 
        Dim numberofRowsPreviousMsg As Long 
        Dim headerValues As Variant 
        Dim headerRow() As String 
        Dim data() As String 
        Dim h As Long, j As Long 
        Dim xlApp As Object 
        Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
        Set ns = GetNamespace("MAPI") 
        Set inbox = ns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox) 
        Set sub_folder = inbox.Folders("TEST") 
        For Each item In sub_folder.Items 
            If TypeOf item Is MailItem Then 
                If (item.UnRead) Then 
                    Set doc = ActiveInspector.WordEditor 
                    If doc.Tables.Count = 0 Then 
                         ' tokenize each line of the email
                        rows = Split(item.Body, vbCrLf) 
                         ' calculate array size
                        numberofColumns = Len(rows(0)) - Len(Replace(rows(0), Chr(9), "")) 
                        numberofRows = UBound(rows) + 1 
                         ' put header row into array
                        Redim headerRow(1 To numberofColumns) 
                        headerValues = Split(rows(0), Chr(9)) 
                         'TODO find the position of USER, TASK, and NUMBER columns
                         ' I tried something like this but it didn't work. Any ideas why is that?
                         ' n = Application.Match(NUMBER, data, 0)
                         ' n = Application.Match(TASK, data, 0)
                         ' n = Application.Match(USER, data, 0)
                         'Maybe we could do something like this? How can I return the column number for for a given header?
                         ' For i = 1 To numberofColumns
                         '    headerRow(i) = Trim$(headerValues(i - 1))
                         'Next i
                         ' calculate data array size excluding the headers
                        numberofRows = numberofRows - 1 
                         'This is the most important part. How can I populate the array for all the messages containing a table at once and not just for one at the time?
                         ' put data into array
                        Redim data(1 To numberofRows, 1 To numberofColumns) 
                        For h = 2 To numberofRows ' (do not include the headers)
                            For j = 1 To numberofColumns 
                                data(h, j) = Trim$(Split(rows(h), Chr(9))(j - 1)) 
                            Next j 
                        Next h 
                         'Open and populate new excel
                         'This procedure will always open a new excel spread sheet instead of using the existing one and just append to the range
                         'We would have to populate the data() array for each item in the specified folder, but unfortunately I am not sure how to do this. Any insights?
                        With xlApp 
                            .Visible = True 
                            .EnableEvents = False 
                        End With 
                        Set wb = xlApp.workbooks.Add 
                         'I tried to wb.worksheet(1).Range(Cells(1,1), Cells(NumberOfRows, NumberOfColumns) but it didn't work. Any ideas why?
                        wb.worksheets(1).Range("a1:h5") = data() '
                    End If 
                End If 
            End If 
                 'Save and close the workbook containing data
                application.displayalerts = false
                wb.SaveAs Filename:="C:\Data\" & BookName, FileFormat:= _
                xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False _
                , CreateBackup:=False
                application.displayalerts = True
          Set olNewMail = CreateItem(olMailItem) 
         'Add values to the properties of the created mail and attach
         'the report to the outgoing mail.
         With olNewMail 
            .Recipients.Add "type email address here" 
            .CC = "" 
            .BCC = "" 
            .Subject = "Data" 
            .Body = "" 
             ' Only attach the new workbook
            With .Attachments 
                .Add App.Path & "\WeekReport.doc" 
                .Item(1).DisplayName = "Data" 
            End With 
        End With 
    End Sub

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Helsinki, Finland
    MS-Off Ver
    Excel 2010

    Re: Loop new messages containing a table, populate a dynamic array, paste array to Excel

    I am especially interested to know how to continue populating the same data array? Any ideas?

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