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VBA Warning - Too Many Unread Emails in Specific shared mailbox

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    VBA Warning - Too Many Unread Emails in Specific shared mailbox

    An important gets sent into a shared mailbox, a requeast has been made to display a notification.My initial response to the customer was to setup an email rule.

    This wasn't sufficient, the user does not get a pop up alert that stays on the screen.After googling, you can configure a VBA script to pop up when there is more than X unread mail in an inbox.Unfortunately, I have not been able to get it to work for shared mailboxes, though it seems fairly possible.

    Private objInbox As Outlook.Folder
    Private WithEvents objItems As Outlook.Items
    Private lUnreadItemCount As Long
    Private Sub Application_Startup()
        Set objInbox = Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
        Set objItems = objInbox.Items
        lUnreadItemCount = 0
        Call CountUnreadEmails(objInbox, lUnreadItemCount)
        'If there are more than 10 unread emails
        If lUnreadItemCount > 10 Then
           MsgBox "Too many unread emails in Inbox!" & vbCr & "Please deal with them as soon as possible!", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Check Unread Emails"
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub objItems_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object)
        Call CountUnreadEmails(objInbox, lUnreadItemCount)
        lUnreadItemCount = 0
        If lUnreadItemCount > 10 Then
           MsgBox "Too many unread emails!" & vbCr & "Please deal with them as soon as possible!", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Check Unread Emails"
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub CountUnreadEmails(ByVal objFolder As Outlook.Folder, ByRef lCount As Long)
        Dim objUnreadItems As Outlook.Items
        Dim objSubfolder As Outlook.Folder
        Set objUnreadItems = objFolder.Items.Restrict("[Unread] = True")
        lCount = objUnreadItems.count + lCount
        'Process all subfolders under Inbox recursively
        If objFolder.Folders.count > 0 Then
           For Each objSubfolder In objFolder.Folders
               Call CountUnreadEmails(objSubfolder, lCount)
        End If
    End Sub
    I'm not very familiar with the VB syntax, I've never used it."

    To access a shared folder in another user's Exchange server mailbox, you need to use GetSharedDefaultFolder*to reference the mailbox"

    How do i add the following code in for shared mail?
    Last edited by squirrelz; 03-11-2019 at 08:46 AM. Reason: Moved from Excel Programming / VBA / Macros

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