I used to have a macro to do this but it got deleted off my system and so it needs to be redone.

I would like to take all emails sent to "invoices@xxx.com" and save the attachments to a specific folder on my hard drive, but i want the date stamp at the end of the file name.

Example: Email comes in on 06/27/2017 at 1:25pm 32sec with an attachment named INVABC.pdf. I would like this attachment to save to a sub-folder in My Documents called "Invoices" as "INVABC 062717_1325 32.pdf".

*I do not want to delete the email attachment
*I do not want the timestamp at the front of the filename
*It shouldn't matter if the email is sent by me, if (the email address mentioned above) was cc:'d, or if there are multiple attachments (all attachments should be handled the same way)
*I already have auto-rules set up to route any emails sent to this address into a folder named "Invoices" within my inbox
*I would like this to automatically happen upon arrival but the ability to run this manually would also be appreciated
*If we could exclude jpgs or other image files (like sometimes used in signatures) I would be super happy but its easy enough to delete those, so not a deal breaker.