Originally Posted by
Since PCM is not a commonly known language for Excel we need a lot more information about how this all works. How does a PCM script run? How does it interact with Excel? How is the file name being used once received by Excel and where is it being changed? Where are you saving the file--local drive, OneDrive, SharePoint?
The %20 token is used in URLs because spaces are not allowed. I suspect that somewhere in your chain a component is treating this string as a
URL and encoding it. But you have a somewhat unique tech stack here so we need more information.
BTW I would recommend not using the .xls format.
I will change the format to xlsx, thank you.
This is the bit of code from PCM that generates a string for the file name.
"nTime" is a variable, "time()" is retrieving the system time via Calypso software.
The four user variables break down the time from Clock to digits with "am" or "pm"
8:58:44 becomes "85844 am"
This creates the file name string
Where "partnbinc" is a Calypso variable and everything after is an accumulation of other variables.
The variable "partbinc" = "Ruby Head_Rev 2_Op 70_M0070-Test4_DeleteMe_2023-7-12_85844 am"
The variable "partbinc" is passed to Excel via an Excel XLT file (Written by the software company who makes Calypso).
And that's where it gets hard to follow.
The XLT file is identical on all CMM PC's.
The above works fine on one PC Excel install but not this PC Excel install.
This is at a large corporation, the excel versions are the same.