Just recently I built a new PC and started working on installing the Microsoft Office products onto my new computer however I'm confused by a few things. On my old computer I had icons on my desktop for Word, Powerpoint, and Excel and when I clicked on them I would enter the program and be able to access and save as you normally would. To the best of my knowledge I had MS 365 as I did confirm for example my version of Excel is MS 365 V.2202. I don't recall how I got office before since I've had my computer for 10 years and I may have gotten it from school for free at some point in the past.

I was planning to transfer all of my files from my old computer to the new one by saving them onto a USB flash drive and saving it into the respective programs on the new computer.

I'm still in school and my school offers Microsoft 365 for students and I went to download the 365 service and I realized it's completely different and it turned into a browser type experience where there doesn't seem to be any specific icons for Word, Powerpoint, or Excel but now it seems I click on one icon that brings up a menu for all 3. However, I can't seem to open my Excel files from my old computer. When I try to it asks for me to select a program but there doesn't seem to be an option for 365. Eventually, when I checked Excel on the new computer it somehow allowed me to access my Excel file possibly because of syncing.

However, I don't necessarily want to rely on syncing as I realized as soon as I plugged in my USB drive, my Windows One Drive immediately filled up and I never seemed to have this issue before because I'm fine saving files locally on my hard drive on the computer and not syncing it. To conclude my questions are:

1. How can I open Excel or other MS files on my new computer with MS 365 ?

2. How can I stop MS from syncing files on my desktop? If some files have already synced how can I remove them to clear up space for what I do want synced?