My latest:
I applied for that free upgrade on 7/28/2015. Got notified that Windows 10 was ready to upload.
I chose to do it against the possibility that I might install it later.
A couple of days later a window appeared telling me that Windows 10 upload is in progress in the background and I will be notified when it is complete. That was 3 days ago. It's still "in progress". There is a link for checking progress. That takes me to Windows update. The "progress" bar has been scrolling for the same 3 days. !!!?!!! If this is normal behavior mentioning would have been nice.
Checking the FAQs I find every issue covered except this one.Not one single MS link I've followed mentions anything about this or its remedy.
This is a fairly new machine that I purchased in late 8/2014. So I don't think that's an issue.
I have difficulty believing that I am the only one experiencing this problem. MS seems to have hit the "ignore" button once again.
I don't find this encouraging at all.