Mostly joining here due to my current introduction to Excel in the workplace, I've been tasked with maintaining a log of our medical supply room and have previously no extensive knowledge of Excel; I received a functional understanding through classes in middle/high school and college, and through various incidents of messing around on Excel for one reason or another. Unfortunately the current project I have requires a much more exhaustive level of knowledge... which is where you guys come in. I hope to be picking quite a few brains. If anyone has any further questions for me feel free to post it below, anything that doesn't breech OPSEC/HIPPA I'll be happy to answer.
I'm a medic in the U.S. Army, I love my job and wouldn't trade it for the world. Well, I don't love EVERYTHING about my job... but I do enjoy helping people when I get the opportunity, and I do enjoy various key points about my job. The main reason I'm here actually is to reign in the one part of my job that I despise. Supply. I do not enjoy doing supply. However, I do enjoy doing the best possible job at everything I do.
I look forward to further corespondance with all of you.