Hi Everyone,

Been browsing around here for a week or so now; and thought it was time I introduce myself before I no doubt post endless tirades about Excel in the workplace =D

I'm 23, live in Manchester and I work in a Call Centre as a Resource Planing Analyst, Workforce Management, Ops Team... If you work in a call centre, you'll know what I mean. Everywhere gives them different names; we all do the same thing. I'm that person that grills you when you call in Sick/The Cat Threw Up/It's Snowing etc. etc.

Alongside my beautiful phone manner I also get to play with Excel. A Lot. Hence me joining this forum. I've not really used Excel much since my college days and I'm a little rusty; so I'm slowly working up my skills - remembering old things and learning new things along the way.

When I'm not at work (oh fond memories of freedom) I'm usually out with friends, watching a movie - the usual stuff someone of my age does really I guess. Bit of a geek at heart; any Joss Whedon fans feel free to marry me.

I'll stop rambling now

p.s. My current little work project is a Dashboard report. If anyone has any General hints or tips; feel free to share!