Hi there,
Markus is my name and obviously I am new. I just started to re-train myself in Excel and developing applications in Excel VBA. More than 20 years ago I taught people using the first MS Excel. (Yes, I am that old). I worked in IT back in Germany in the 80ies and always loved it. But then I ended up in New Zealand and did several other jobs like owning a backpackers hostel, psychotherapist and taxi driving. At my 50iest birthday recently I decided I wanted to go back into developing software and maybe training people. Bought a nice laptop and latest Office Suite and here I am. I learn best on a project and so I am a few month into developing this cycling fantasy game. Two mates and myself are playing it already and it is great fun. The plan is to go global by January 2013 and play it with 20 players for the next test.
Exciting to see all the new things that happened in IT in the last 20 years. One of them is this: A bloody forum. What a fantastic improvement !! Back in the days it was me against the world and 800 pages Windows User Guide at my side that made you fall asleep after two pages. The Software was full off bugs. It was a lot of try and error. I learned programming the hard way. How fantastic is this now. Get stuck - google it - 5 min later I have the answers. I used this forum for a while now without being a member but now I need code sometimes and so I joined. Looking forward to learn heaps and hope that I can sometimes help someone. With MS Dos maybe? Just kidding.