Howdy just wondering if I could post here? Ran into the no link thing. Dave
Howdy just wondering if I could post here? Ran into the no link thing. Dave
Hello DavesInoIno,
Welcome to Excelforum. Be a part of large Excel community. Enjoy Learning.
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Thanks for the Welcome arlu1201. Dave
By the way, can someone please let me know how many posts are required before a new member can post a link? It doesn't seem to be in the FAQ's. Dave
We don't allow new members to post links - it's an anti-SPAM precaution. Our forum has an attachment facility - read the yellow banner at the top of the page. Please use that.
Enthusiastic self-taught user of MS Excel who's always learning!
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NB: as a Moderator, I never accept friendship requests.
Forum Rules (updated August 2023): please read them here.
Thanks AliGW for your reply. I guess my question is, for how long am I considered to be a new member? I understand the reasoning for limiting new members actions but I guess I was looking for the amount of posts required to get on the "nice" list. I like surprises but it is somewhat frustrating preparing a response only to have it rejected re. it's link contents. If your uncertain, I'm not opposed to waiting for a surprise one day. Dave
You need to have made 10 posts, but we do NOT allow post-building: in other words, you can't make a series of spurious posts just to get you up to that number. However, see the note below.
This is from the Forum Rules page (link in the main menu bar up top): new members: you will not be able to post a full URL, so remove the https://www. section and add one or two breaks to the rest of the address. A Moderator or Admin will then fix the link for you.
I know it's under the cross-posting section, but the bold text flags it for new members - maybe you missed it? When you joined, you ticked to say that you agreed to abide by the rules, so I presume you did at least look at that page.
Hope this helps.
Last edited by AliGW; 12-28-2024 at 04:30 AM. Reason: Typo fixed.
Thanks again AliGW. I must have skimmed over that part of the Forum Rules10 sounds OK. Have a nice day. Dave
You're welcome. You can post your link in the way described above.
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