Hello, Excel Forum.

Happy to be here with like-minded Excel junkies. I joined this forum to learn from the best and help others maximize their use of this marvelous program.

I previously worked at a large global consulting firm primarily focused on transactions advisory. In that job, I had to deal with large amounts of data that had to analyzed in short amounts of time as deal timelines are tight. That usually means our team under a lot of pressure, especially given the data we received was to say the least, “messy”. The data we needed was there, but it took a lot of work to sort it out to analyze properly on Excel. Needless to say, myself and my team spent a time working with Excel and we learned to try to maximize our efficiency as much as possible. That meant learning formulas, macros, Power Query, etc. This is where I honed my Excel skills. It also meant my colleague and I trying to figure out a way to make our work even more efficient – so we developed our own app to help manage the headaches of data consolidation. More on that another time.

I’ve since left consulting and now work in a bank. We still spend a lot of time in Excel, but thanks to the long hours using Excel and the apps we developed to help, it’s much less stressful than before.

Well, that’s a basic summary of myself. Looking forward to learning and contributing to this amazing community.