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Introducing New Platform

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Introducing New Platform

    Hi there,

    I want to explore something that most of the people not aware of it. Everyone knows about surveys and their importance. But most of the people don't know how to create surveys online. It's pretty simple, with Google Forms also we can create surveys and collect data from respondents. But from Google Forms, we are limited to few features because surveys are not their primary business. Whereas many survey software providers offering free surveys with the max feature of all QuestionPro is the one in providing more features in free account. Just grab the features and get valuable insights for your business.

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor arlu1201's Avatar
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    Hello Sgopineni,

    Welcome to Excelforum. Be a part of large Excel community. Enjoy Learning.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Introducing New Platform

    hello and warm Welcome....

    Quote Originally Posted by Sgopineni View Post
    Hi there,

    I want to explore something that most of the people not aware of it. Everyone knows about surveys and their importance. But most of the people don't know how to create surveys online. It's pretty simple, with Google Forms also we can create surveys and collect data from respondents. But from Google Forms, we are limited to few features because surveys are not their primary business. Whereas many survey software providers offering free surveys with the max feature of all QuestionPro is the one in providing more features in free account. Just grab the features and get valuable insights for your business.

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