I am in the process of converting all of my Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to Google Docs. However I have one formula that is giving me trouble. I don't know if it is called a range formula or and array formula but I cannot get it to work right in Google Docs. Can anyone help me accomplish this? Here is the formula:
=LOOKUP(1E+100,FREQUENCY(IF(A3:A22=BK2,ROW(A3:A22)),IF(A3:A22<>BK2,IF(A3:A22<>"",ROW(A3:A22)))))&" "&BK2
I use it to track the Wins and Losses Streak for football games that are listed in a list from A3 to A22
The formula also references another formula located at BK2 and that formula is:
I am attaching a sample spreadsheet. Like I said I am very very stumped on this. I have done everything I can think of and have had no success.Week Progress-2013.xls