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Google sheets table enter new row update formula automatic

  1. #1
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    Google sheets table enter new row update formula automatic

    Hi There,

    I have a question, I hope some can help me for a sport association I am making a table in which we note the members.
    when new members come, we create a new row in google sheets.
    - In column A the year of birth,
    - In column B the name of the player
    - In column C I have a formula that records the birth.
    - In column J write down which team this player belongs to.

    currently I have to manually copy these formulas by copying when there is a new member.
    I've tried a lot in recent weeks, but I can't find a working method that automatically fills in these formulas when filling in a new line. does anyone have an idea what i can do?

    These are the formulas:
    column C: =ArrayFormula(IF(ISBLANK(A11)=true,"no date";YEAR(A11)))

    column J: =ArrayFormula(IFS(C11="no date";"no date";$C11=($H$3);"F";$C11=($I$3);"F";$C11>( $I$3);"CCC";$C11<($H$3);"E"))

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor janmorris's Avatar
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    Google Sheets (& Mac 2021)

    Re: Google sheets table enter new row update formula automatic

    Just because the formulas are wrapped in arrayformula() function, neither of the formulas are actually arrayformulas.

    Arrayformulas are used to populate a range/column, and so would use a range/column.

    With this in mind, as an example, you should look at changing A11 to A11:A... and so on for each of the cells that are in the existing formulas.

    ATTENTION: this does not mean that changing all the cells to ranges will make them into fully functioning arrayformulas, but it is the first thing to try.
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    And finally, was your problem solved? if so, please click Thread Tools above the first post of your enquiry, then select [Solved]

  3. #3
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    Re: Google sheets table enter new row update formula automatic

    Thank Janmorris! this is working, somtimes the solutions are mutch simpler then we think

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