Good day,
I have been working on a way to keep a register within excel however as we work with multiple people we decided to work within spreadsheet for this so we all have the same avalible information. However while I can convert most of the formula I can't figure out how to properly substitute the aggragate function.
The idea is that on my second tab there is a inventory overview and when i fill in the item i am looking for that I will be given an overview of locations etc where the item is being stored.
tab1.jpg tab2.jpg
I currently have the following formula:
=IF(ROWS($F$5:$F5)<=$G$3,INDEX('Inventaris sheet'!$B$2:$B$449,AGGREGATE(15,3,('Inventaris sheet'!$A$2:$A$449)/('Inventaris sheet'!$A$2:$A$449=C3)*(ROW('Inventaris sheet'!$A$2:$A$449)-ROW('Inventaris sheet'!A1)),ROWS($F$5:$F5))),"")
But as google spreadsheet doesn't have the aggragate function I was wondering how I could achieve the same result but I can't seem to find anything.