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Conditional formatting based on words from criteria list

  1. #1
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    Conditional formatting based on words from criteria list

    i'm using google spreadsheet and trying to search for words from a criteria list with conditional formating, I only run into 2 problems...

    This works if I'm in the same sheet as the criteria list and the data.

    but if I want to put the criteria list in another Sheet;

    Then google conditional formatting gives an error that the formula is incorrect :/ (If I test formula 2 in the data sheet it works, but not if I want to use it as a formula for conditional formatting.)

    how can i use "isblank" in this formula? so that using Config!E:E becomes a bit easier?

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor janmorris's Avatar
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    Re: Conditional formatting based on words from criteria list

    in Google Sheets, for some functions that fail when referencing another sheet, these are usually fixed by using the INDIRECT function.

    are you able to provide a link to a demo file (a copy that has sensitive data replaced with demo data)?
    to do so, put the share edit link into a txt file and attach the text file to your post... follow the instructions in the yellow banner at the top of the page here for how to attach a file.

  3. #3
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    Re: Conditional formatting based on words from criteria list

    Thank you for letting me know about the INDIRECT function. didn't know it existed (The part of the criteria list is now working.

    But the second question, how can i add in this formula the option to use only fields from the criteria list, that are populated with data.

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    Last edited by kingkai88; 09-28-2021 at 03:29 AM.

  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor janmorris's Avatar
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    Re: Conditional formatting based on words from criteria list

    to allow you to add more items to the list on the Config sheet, use this formula for your Conditional Formatting:
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    EDIT, corrected the formula to suit the current range.

    because you have 2 header rows, you should change the "Apply to range" to be:

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    and then use the following Conditional Formatting on the range:

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    if you do not make the changes, then if you put anything into those header cells that has a match, it will change colour.
    Last edited by janmorris; 09-28-2021 at 06:44 AM.

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