Google Sheets: How to use Regexmatch to filter ranges of Times & Dates (ie, 2021-01-05 08:00 - 2021-01-06 07:59)
This is for Google Sheets, but I expect that there is something equivalent in Excel, so any help answering this would be appreciated!

I'm trying to filter data to include rows that only have timestamps within certain date & time ranges. For example, I want to see a 24hr time window from 8am to 7:59am the next day; and another time window for a week from 8am Monday to 7:59am the next Monday.

So far I have a working formula that lets me match for within the same date:
=Filter(IMPORTcsv!A2:H, regexmatch(IMPORTcsv!F2:F, "t 2020-12-14"))

How do I adapt this for more granular time range filtering?
