Hello All,
First time posting here but have used this forum in the past to find answers to Excel questions on/off in the past. I am not an expert but willing to learn. First question I have is this, is it looked down upon if I use Google sheets? That is how I run most of this through. Hope that is ok.
So I play an imaginary basketball game online where you can read the play by play of the game. The problem is that I want to find more information to see what is the offensive and defensive ratings of certain lineups. I am trying to find a formula that will help me to find offensive and defensive rating. I have been doing it by hand and want an easier way.
So below I have a link to a spreadsheet that I pasted the play by play in. At some point a player will be "subbed out" and another "subbed in". What I want to do is for each unique lineup have the time played, the number of possessions (I may be able to explain this better in another post if needed), amount of points scored, and given up to be put into another spreadsheet. I am a novice but familiar with v-lookups. I'm not sure if this is possible but thought i would ask for help. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much
apparently i'm not allowed to post link yet i'll attach