I want to track individual scores for each golfer in my golf league on a hole by hole basis. My goal is to see, for example, how many pars\birdies\bogies\etc. Golfer A had on hole #1 throughout the year. I'm struggling to find the best format of the spreadsheet. I'm not so much concerned about what I will do with that data at the end of the season right now (I'm sure I'll be back for help at that point). Ultimately I'm going to show which holes saw the most birdies, pars, bogies...which golfers had the most birdies both aggregately and on a hole by hole basis...among other things.
- 36 players, 7 subs (for the sake of this project, we can just focus on the 36 regular players).
- 1 course - we play 9 holes one week, the other 9 holes the following week
- 17 weeks
My initial thought is putting the golfer's names in column A. Then put the dates in Row A. Where I get lost is where to put the hole numbers (1-18). I saw some other threads where they didn't list Dates. They used formulas by setting up Par, then birdie would be Par-1, Bogie would be Par+1, or something along those lines.
Any help is appreciated. Just looking for someone to point me in the right direction. I realize this will be a lot of data entry but I think the end product will be really awesome.