I need to enter data, then have that exact data show up on other sheets. As changed on the master, will change everywhere.
I need to enter data, then have that exact data show up on other sheets. As changed on the master, will change everywhere.
Hi and welcome to the forum.
The simple answer to your query is to use a simple direct link back to the master sheet. Assuming the master sheet tab name is 'Master' then
='Master'!A1 on any sheet will pick up the value A1 on the master sheet. However I suspect your real (unstated) query is more complex.
But before going down too many false avenues, why do you want to replicate data on other sheets - to what end. If you decribe you business process and tell us the ultimate aim we can maybe suggest better and more elegant solutions than just replicating data unnecessarily.
Richard Buttrey
RIP - d. 06/10/2022
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