Quote Originally Posted by broro183 View Post
[LIST][*]Restore monospace code fonts in all browsers. Restore the string "Code" that appears just above the code box to its former small size. Remove the blank space that now appears from the end of code to the bottom of the code box, even when the closing code tag immediately follows the last line of code.

[*]Restore showing only unread posts as bold

[*]Reorganize the forum hierarchy
we will start a new thread for restructuring after completion the design & CSS work

[*]Reskin if there is some consensus as to what it should be, or offer several skins.
We are working on this option

[*]Restore link to forum rules in navigation/menu bar at the top

[*]Please change navigation bar font to something other than white so when the nav bar breaks into several lines on a PDA or mobile phone screen, the menu items are still recognisable and can again be used on a mobile device (like they could with the old skin)

[*]Colour of Forum fonts for print out readability