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Feedback : New design for the Board

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  1. #11
    Forum Expert teylyn's Avatar
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    Re: Feedback : New design for the Board

    Attached three screenshots of the same screen taken with different browsers

    - Firefox
    - Internet Explorer 8
    - Safari (for Windows)

    Can someone please go to the testing forum and snap the "testing" post by scrunch with Chrome? I don't want to install it just for that one thing.

    See how some browsers have all bold text in the post, Firefox correctly shows normal and bold text.
    Note how the code box has fixed width font (or at least a serif with fairly close to fixed width) in IE8 and Safari, and Firefox has something that looks like Arial.
    See how hard it is to distinguish between the text and the links. In all three versions.

    The CSS designer does not deserve the name. Luckily enough, we don't need to shoot the tester, because it's quite apparent that nobody did any testing.

    Banana skin.

    Open each attachment in a separate tab and then click back and forwards to compare ....
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