Some people asked me for an old code of mine why its process time had so much increased after a mod.
My answer was if my own code was quicker before the mod, the issue came for sure from the mod !
After a while, they insisted again, the code was working properly but didn't find out any reason.
I told them to restore back my original procedure but they hadn't save it !
Weeks later, when I could jump to their office, the process time was 48 seconds at each call of procedure.
The mod was just an UserForm progress bar upgrade and
I saw the data increased so much from original demand …
Just by deleting the progress bar, the process needed no more than 18 seconds, a 30 seconds gap ‼
After rethinkink of the real needs, I optimized the procedure : less than 3 seconds at first call,
next calls are instant !
And as a progress bar is a very easy basic logic of a percentage of work done versus work to be done
and 'cause it's a common explained subject on the net, I won't waste my time …
It's your time to work or wait for jaslake's answer !
Regards !