i want a shortcut to paste values. the normal method is copy something and click paste options paste values.but is there a way to do it fast? can we use a simple macro?on one sheet named 'basic' i would make a selection .should copy the values only.
Let me make it more clear.I will just select a range in one sheet.I will not go for "copy". go to another sheet. click on a cell.run the macro and i get the values pasted. thanks.If it is necessary to give a cell address from where it should paste in sheet named values "R3".but it is not advisable to include a cell in the macro.in that case i have to edit the macro every time i change the destination cell.thanks
why this macro gives error message?
Runtime error'1004'
Pastespecial method of range class failed.
Sub PasteVal()
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues
End Sub
this macro also gives error messge error '9'
subscript out of range.i clicked on the cell r3 in the destination sheet and run the macro.
Sub PasteVal()
Sheets("values").Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End Sub