
Could you please help me with a strange error, unfortunately I cannot find similar threads with solution.

I have a file where in column F I have a flow of IF formulas which results can be "No updates" or "Updated".

I want to collect each of the items from column A where we have "No updates" in column F.

I wrote the below code to do it, and it works fine sometimes, but sometimes it gives error "Type mismatch" and for the value in Cells(i,6) I have Error 2015 at that time.

Could you please help here?

Thank you in advance!

comma = 0

For i = 5 To lastfxticker

If Cells(i, 6) <> "Updated" Then

fxticker = UCase(Cells(i, 1))

If comma <> 0 Then

listoffxticker = listoffxticker & " , " & fxticker

Else: listoffxticker = fxticker
comma = 1
End If

Else: fxticker = ""
End If


Else: nofxupdate = ""
End If